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The Great Beginnings pre-K program launched during the 2024-25 school year.

Separate from our Great Beginnings Early Education Center programs, the new pre-K program will serve up to 200 students at Prairie View Elementary, 501 SE Todd George Parkway. It includes tuition-based and free programs.


  • Must turn 4 prior by July 31, 2024.
  • Must live in the Lee's Summit R-7 School District boundaries
  • Must provide transportation to and from program

Get Started:

  • Review program information, including income criteria for free pre-K, on this webpage.
  • Enrollment will be determined by lottery and families notified of selection status by April 26, 2024.
  • Selected students must provide proof-of-age and proof-of-residency during annual registration in July/August 2024. 

Please note: This program is an addition to the district and will not remove or move any programming currently offered at the existing GBEEC sites.

Important Links

Parents as Teachers

Curriculum: Project Construct


baby shoes, pacifier and blocks

Conscious Discipline


Community Programs

Parents as Teachers

Parents as Teachers (PAT)

Any resident family with children aged prenatal to pre-kindergarten can participate in in the Parents as Teachers program. Click here for more info!

baby shoes, pacifier and blocks

Early Head Start

Early Head Start serves neonatal to 3 years old children of families who meet eligibility based on federal income guidelines.